Gordon-Piatt Combustion Heads
How to order a combustion head:
1.) Find out which combustion head your burner utilizes.
Determine the 10 digit Gordon Piatt part number of the combustion head you are replacing. This number will be located on the order entry form and material list that was shipped with the burner and it may be on a foil sticker on the head. Gordon Piatt used dozens of different combustion heads depending on the application. Unfortunately, since Gordon-Piatt is out of business, we cannot look up which combustion head you have by the UL serial number. Also, the model of the burner does not specify which head was used.
Gordon Piatt Part Number
Sample combustion head tag with part number
2.) Do you need to replace the gas orifices?
If you would like to replace gas orifices you will need to determine the part number (or length) and the drill size of the orifices. This will be located on the the order entry form and material list that was shipped with the burner. You can also measure them and send us the sizes.
3.) Do you need to replace the swirler?
If your combustion head a swirler we can supply this too. You’ll need to specify the 10 digit GP part number of the swirler you have. This will be on your material list.
4.) Does your combustion head have a combustor?
If your combustion head has a combustor welded or bolted to the end, this will need to be replaced when replacing the combustion head. The combustor is a stainless steel “cone” that bevels in to choke the flame. The part number for the combustor (if your burner has one) will be on your material list. You can also send your old combustor or dimensions for identification.
5.) Contact us!
E-Mail: sales@ciciboilers.com
Combustion heads should only be installed by a qualified professional that has a combustion analyzer.
Gas Orifices
Replacement gas orifices for your combustion head are also available. Specify the part number (or length) and the drill size.
Gordon-Piatt Gas Orifices
150115-0000 | 150182-0000 | 150275-0001 | 150304-0000 | 150380-0001 |
150471-0000 | 153500-0000 | 153500-0010 | 150514-0000 | 150534-0000 |
150538-0000 | 150535-0000 | 150537-0000 | 150546-0000 | 150563-0000 |
153540-0000 | 153605-0000 | 150053-0000 | 150591-0000 | 153540-0010 |
915003-5800 | 915003-5900 | 915003-2700 | 915005-6000 | 915004-0700 |
915000-1800 | 915008-1200 | 915009-1800 |
You will need to re-use your existing diffuser when replacing your combustion head because new diffusers are no longer available. Cici Boiler Rooms would like to offer diffusers once again, but the John Zink company never sold their drawings and tooling required to manufacture more diffusers.